Four years of Sendong, people left in havoc

DECEMBER 17, 2015 – Four years after Typhoon Sendong struck, the Aquino administration remains negligent on the state’s responsibility to resolve the typhoon’s damage and losses.
We, the League of Filipino Students in Northern Mindanao Region (LFS-NMR), express strong condemnation against the state’s criminal negligence on its snail-pacing rehabilitation to the Sendong-stricken areas, where up until now are lacking of basic services and descent response.
Out of the 37,552 houses which had been fully devastated during Sendong, the government only installed 6,890 relocation houses – still lacking of electric and water supply, livelihood and basic social services.
"This record shows how inept the Aquino administration is and on its incapability of implementing responsible actions towards the victims of Sendong," said Kristine Cabardo, Spokesperson of LFS-NMR.
At the same time, we convey outrage at the Aquino administration’s lack of political will in developing and implementing a comprehensive disaster response program and decry its reactive approach to handling calamities and emergencies. The devastation happened notwithstanding repeated warnings and studies on the effects and impact of environmental degradation and climate change;
An environmental crisis, caused by unregulated large-scale mining, logging and quarrying, coupled with the Aquino government’s budget cuts on disaster preparedness and other social services created the conditions for such a calamity.
"The government downplayed its role by providing only band-aid solutions through their unsustainable relief materials, while environmental destruction hasn’t been pointed out as the main culprit," Cabardo explained.
We lament that the lessons from Sendong are being continuously unheeded, resulting in another painful disaster that wrought havoc to lives and properties – the typhoon Pablo, Yolanda, Seniang, Lando, Nona, and more reported disasters.
2,546 death was recorded during Sendong, 1,901 during Pablo, and 6,300 during Yolanda.
We can’t afford another Sendong, nor Pablo and Yolanda to happen. But the government shows that it is incapable and negligent to resolve this calamity issues. Hence, never be denied that the current system does not serve the interests of its people but is rather zealous of serving the demands of its ‘bosses’ - the local and foreign profit-greed capitalists.
"We could anticipate more disaster under this disastrous administration for compromising its local and foreign business ventures, while expensing the lives of its people," Cabardo added.
LFS-NMR urged the youth and student sector to be in solidarity with the victims of typhoon Sendong and all other disasters which took thousands of lives of the Filipinos. More than lighting candles and offering flowers, we should be one with the people in demanding justice for the victims of state’s criminal negligence.