Both responsive to PHL Dev’t Plan, says Balisacan
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Image grab of the World Bank East Asia & Pacific report shows how the Philippines fares against its neighbors in terms of economic growth. |
MANILA—The National Economic and Development Authority(NEDA) Board on May 30 confirmed a project to be implemented throughpublic-private partnership (PPP) and a framework program that would help citiesmanage waste water.
Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Arsenio M. Balisacansaid that the second phase of the NAIA Expressway Project, as well as theNational Sewerage and Septage Management Program (NSSMP), were both confirmed bythe NEDA Board. He noted that these are consistent with the PhilippineDevelopment Plan 2011-2016.
“The NAIA Expressway project is responsive to our medium-termgoal of developing an integrated multimodal logistics and transport system. Italso complements the Master Plan of the Manila International AirportAuthority,” said Balisacan, who is also NEDA director-general.
The NAIA Expressway project, which was earlierapproved by the NEDA-Investment Coordination Committee (ICC), aims to provideeasy access to and from the three NAIA terminals, as well as interconnect theSouth Luzon Expressway (SLEX)/Skyway with the Manila-Cavite Toll Expressway inRoxas Boulevard, Macapagal Boulevard, and the proposed PAGCOR EntertainmentCity.
The ICC, which is one of the seven interagencycommittees of the NEDA Board, evaluates the fiscal, monetary andbalance-of-payments implications of major national projects. The ICC’s powersand functions reside in its CabCom, which is headed by the Secretary ofFinance.
The PhP15.86-billion PPP project involves the constructionof a 4.83-kilometer viaduct from the terminus of the existing NAIA ExpresswayPhase 1 to the PAGCOR Entertainment City, an interchange in the saidentertainment complex and Roxas and Macapagal Boulevards, as well as tollplazas and on-and off-ramps at strategic locations, among others.
Also, PhP14.72 billion of the project’s total costwill be funded by the private partner, and the rest through governmentfinancing, with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) as the leadagency.
Meanwhile, the NSSMP aims to increase the number ofsewerage and septage management systems outside Metro Manila by 2020.
“This program helps achieve the Plan’s strategy ofimproving public health and promoting a sustainable environment. It also enhancesthe ability of local implementers to build and operate septage and sewagetreatment systems for urban centers,” Balisacan said.
In the program, capital cost for septage management isestimated to range from PhP4 million to PhP71 million per project and per localgovernment unit (LGU), or a total of PhP12.3 billion for all the septagemanagement undertakings. On the other hand, capital costs for sewerage systems areestimated at PhP820 million per highly urbanized city (HUC) at PhP410 millionper phase or a total of PhP14 billion for 17 HUCs.
Total capital costs for both septage management andsewerage systems are estimated at PhP26.3 billion. The LGU or local waterdistricts shall shoulder cost for all septage management programs, while a40-60 percent cost sharing for the sewerage systems shall be implemented (40%from the national government, 60% between HUCs and water districts). The 40% NGcapital cost share, estimated to be about PhP5.6 billion, will be spread until2020.
The NSSMP was earlier approved by the NEDA-InfraCom,and the NEDA Board on May 30 confirmed the approval.
The InfraCom is another interagency committee underthe NEDA Board that recommends government policies, programs and projectsconcerning infrastructure development. The Socioeconomic Planning Secretarychairs the InfraCom, while the DPWH Secretary sits as co-chair.
The NEDA Board, chaired by President Benigno S. AquinoIII and with Balisacan as vice chair, is the country's highest developmentplanning and policy coordinating body. It comprises various CabinetSecretaries, the President of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines(ULAP), the Governor of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and theDeputy Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).